Friday, September 21, 2007

Why Turkey Hill is my new best friend:

I'm pregnant.

I have never particularly cared for ice cream, but suddenly I'm going through it like water.

The morning sickness and fatigue have kept me from cooking or eating out, but I promise I'll be back to business soon.


KellytheCulinarian said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you find the right combination of foods that doesn't make you sick.

Tara @ --Insert Clever Title Here-- said...

I'm not sure if you'll see this since this blog has been inactive for about 5 years. But I am interested in your blog name/url and was wondering if you would be willing to change yours so I could use it, since you haven't been using the blog. If you see this you can get back to me by commenting on one of my blog posts, currently just